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作者:〔德〕米歇尔·安根特 〔德〕托马斯·波贡特克 孟嘉 出版日期:2023年01月 报告页数:34 页 报告大小: 报告字数:38322 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:依旧肆虐的新冠疫情以及为控制疾病而限制个人自由的争论在整个2021年主导着德国的政党政治。在此背景下,德国各党派为9月的联邦议院选举做准备。社民党在上一年已提名奥拉夫·朔尔茨作为其总理候选人,绿党则在春天推举其党主席之一的安娜莱娜·贝尔伯克为总理候选人。相反,联盟党(基民盟/基社盟)总理候选人的抉择在基民盟和基社盟的领导人之间发生了激烈的冲突。最终,新当选的基民盟领导人阿明·拉舍特占了上风。尽管在2021年上半年,基民盟/基社盟仍被普遍认为会赢得选... 展开



Abstract:Throughout 2021 German politics was dominated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the debate over restrictions of personal freedoms aimed at controlling the disease. Against this backdrop,the German parties prepared for the Bundestag election in September. The Social Democrats had already nominated Olaf Scholz as their candidate for chancellor in 2020,and the Greens nominated their party leader Annalena Baerbock as candidate in spr... 展开

Abstract:Throughout 2021 German politics was dominated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the debate over restrictions of personal freedoms aimed at controlling the disease. Against this backdrop,the German parties prepared for the Bundestag election in September. The Social Democrats had already nominated Olaf Scholz as their candidate for chancellor in 2020,and the Greens nominated their party leader Annalena Baerbock as candidate in spring 2021. The selection of the Christian Democratic candidate,on the contrary,was marked by intense conflict between the leaders of the CDU and the CSU. In the end,the newly elected CDU leader,Armin Laschet,prevailed. The CDU/CSU was during the first half of 2021 widely expected to win the election,but a disastrous campaign and tactical mistakes of Armin Laschet led to a continuous decline in the polls. The Greens could,however,not benefit from this as their candidate,Annalena Baerbock,had at the beginning of the campaign run into severe credibility problems related to her CV. In the end,the SPD,whose candidate had successfully avoided any mistakes,won by a narrow margin and formed a government with the Greens and the Liberals.



〔德〕米歇尔·安根特:〔德〕米歇尔·安根特(Michael Angenendt),政治学博士,德国杜塞尔多夫海因里希·海内大学德国与国际政党法与政治研究所研究人员,主要研究领域为德国政党及选举研究。

〔德〕托马斯·波贡特克:〔德〕托马斯·波贡特克(Thomas Poguntke),政治学博士,教授,德国杜塞尔多夫海因里希·海内大学德国与国际政党法与政治研究所所长,主要研究领域为比较政治研究。
