文章摘要:2021年的德国联邦议院选举备受关注。选举结果显示,尽管社民党重新成为德国最大党,但“人民党”的衰败之势与绿党、自民党等中间小党的兴起形成鲜明对比。德国政党格局和政治生态的变化与选民结构变化密切相关,本文通过分析2021年德国大选的选民结构,得出选民结构变化的三大特征:年龄和代际因素成为影响选举的重要因素,不同地区选民的选举行为存在差异,选民职业与政党偏好的关联度减弱。联邦议院延续六党格局,但选举行为变化使德国政党格局的不确定性上升。此外,选... 展开
Abstract:The 2021 German federal parliamentary election has attracted much attention. The election results showed that while the SPD has regained its position as the largest party,its role as a “people’s party” has declined,contrasting with the rise of small and mid-sized parties such as the Greens and the FDP. By analyzing the voter structure of the election,this paper identifies three main features of change:age and generational facto... 展开