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作者:宋全成 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17105 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:难民危机爆发以来,数以百万计的难民的涌入对2016年的德国社会产生了深远的影响:难民问题使德国民众的欢迎难民政策的共识日益分裂为欢迎难民和反对难民两大不可调和的阵营;难民潮助推德国国内恐怖主义袭击频发,德国的非传统安全面临挑战;穆斯林族群被贴上恐怖主义的标签导致针对穆斯林移民的暴力事件上升和欧洲反伊斯兰化的社会运动兴起;难民问题助推民粹主义思潮泛滥,导致德国极右翼政党——德国另类选择党(AfD)崛起和德国执政联盟内部纷争不断,难民问题由社会... 展开



Abstract:Since the outbreak of the refugee crisis,millions of refugees,have poured into Germany,making a profound impact on German society also in 2016. Firstly,the original consensus of the German people to welcome refugees has increasingly been replaced by a division into two camps:one welcoming refugees,the other one opposing the influx. Secondly,the tide of refugees has led to an increase in terrorist attacks in Germany,challenging... 展开

Abstract:Since the outbreak of the refugee crisis,millions of refugees,have poured into Germany,making a profound impact on German society also in 2016. Firstly,the original consensus of the German people to welcome refugees has increasingly been replaced by a division into two camps:one welcoming refugees,the other one opposing the influx. Secondly,the tide of refugees has led to an increase in terrorist attacks in Germany,challenging domestic security. Thirdly,the labeling of terrorism as “Islamic” has resulted in rising hostility against Muslim immigrants and arise of anti-Islamic social movements in Europe. Fourthly,the problem of refugees has boosted populism and led to the success of the far-right party AfD and the internal strife within the ruling Grand Coalition. The refugee problem has evolved from a social to a political issue and has become further politicized. 2017 is an election year,and the government faces a number of challenges:Can it restore the German people’s erstwhile consensus on welcoming refugees?How can it prevent terrorist attacks by religious extremists?How can it ensure domestic security?It needs to confront populism and the rise of a far-right party. Lastly,it also has to ensure the stability and prosperity of German society.


