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作者:秦升 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11342 字 所属丛书:澳大利亚蓝皮书 所属图书:澳大利亚发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年,《中澳自由货易协定》对中澳经贸关系所带来的积极影响不断显现,多个产业类别的进出口潜能持续释放,实现了双边贸易的创纪录增长。货物贸易方面,中澳在传统能源领域保持稳中向好的基础上,实现了清洁能源和农产品贸易的快速增长。服务贸易方面,教育继续成为澳大利亚对华出口的关键产业,在“中澳旅游年”的助推下,双向互访人数和旅游消费均创历史新高。当前,中国是澳大利亚第一大贸易伙伴、第一大进口来源地和第一大出口目的地;澳大利亚是中国海外投资的第二... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,the positive impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement on Sino-Australian economic and trade relations continued to emerge,the import and export potential of various industrial categories continued to be released,unprecedented bilateral trade growth has been witnessed. In terms of trade in goods,China and Australia have achieved rapid growth in clean energy and agricultural products while maintaining a stable grow... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,the positive impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement on Sino-Australian economic and trade relations continued to emerge,the import and export potential of various industrial categories continued to be released,unprecedented bilateral trade growth has been witnessed. In terms of trade in goods,China and Australia have achieved rapid growth in clean energy and agricultural products while maintaining a stable growth on traditional energy sector. In terms of trade in services,education continued to be a key industry for Australia's exports to China. Due to influence of China-Australia Tourism Year,the number of mutual visits and tourism consumption both reached record highs. At present,China is Australia's largest goods trading partner,the largest source of imports and the largest export destination,Australia is the second largest destination for Chinese overseas investment. The tariff reduction brought by the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement will continue to stimulate bilateral trade between China and Australia in the next few years. The consensus on free trade between China and Australia government has laid a clear foundation for deepening future cooperation and trade. At the same time,the Australian economy's reliance on China has been further strengthened. China-Australia bilateral trade is increasingly affected by China's development strategy and industrial policies. The uncertainty of Australia's domestic politics and the spread of international trade protectionism also pose risks on bilateral trade.



