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作者:姚枝仲 出版日期:2018年01月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17325 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2018年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年世界经济增速明显提升,劳动市场持续改善,全球物价水平温和上升,大宗商品价格有所上涨,国际贸易增速提高。同时,国际直接投资增长缓慢,全球债务持续积累,金融市场出现泡沫。未来世界经济还面临诸多挑战。这些挑战包括:世界经济回暖的基础还不稳固,支持国际贸易高速增长的长期因素还没有形成,美国财政货币政策对世界经济将有较大的负面溢出效应,逆全球化趋势和贸易投资保护主义倾向加强,债务问题越来越严重,资产泡沫随时可能破裂。地缘政治风险、恐怖主义... 展开



Abstract:The world economic growth rate rose significantly in 2017 as well as labor market improved. The prices of commodities kept in low-middle band and global inflation increased lightly. International trade increased rapidly,but international investment grew slowly. Global outstanding debt has been rising continuously and international financial markets were accumulating bubbles. There are many challenges facing world economy,which inclu... 展开

Abstract:The world economic growth rate rose significantly in 2017 as well as labor market improved. The prices of commodities kept in low-middle band and global inflation increased lightly. International trade increased rapidly,but international investment grew slowly. Global outstanding debt has been rising continuously and international financial markets were accumulating bubbles. There are many challenges facing world economy,which include that the fundamentals of world economic recovery have not been solid,the long-term factors supporting high speed growth of international trade have not been formed,the fiscal policies and monetary policies in the U.S. have negative spillover to the rest of world,the trend of anti-globalization and protectionism becomes strong,global debt overhang is more severe,asset bubbles will burst probably at certain moment. Moreover,geopolitical risks and terrorism may bring negative effects on the stability and development of world economy. It is expected that the PPP-based GDP growth rate of the world economy will be 3.5% in 2018.


