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作者:郑晓明 出版日期:2017年04月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9761 字 所属丛书:葡语国家蓝皮书 所属图书:葡语国家发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:东帝汶自2002年独立以来,历届政府为实现加入东盟的目标做出了诸多努力。东帝汶入盟当前面临一些障碍,它们主要是经济脆弱、社会发展落后,人力资源匮乏、能力有限,政治和社会问题丛生。同时,东帝汶入盟也存在有利因素,它们主要是东帝汶政府正从国家层面积极推动自身建设和发展,正寻求进一步加强与东盟各国的合作,以及域外大国和有关组织机构的助推。东帝汶离入盟目标已越来越近,入盟将对其自身、东盟、中国产生多方面影响。Desde a independência de Timor-Leste e... 展开

文章摘要:东帝汶自2002年独立以来,历届政府为实现加入东盟的目标做出了诸多努力。东帝汶入盟当前面临一些障碍,它们主要是经济脆弱、社会发展落后,人力资源匮乏、能力有限,政治和社会问题丛生。同时,东帝汶入盟也存在有利因素,它们主要是东帝汶政府正从国家层面积极推动自身建设和发展,正寻求进一步加强与东盟各国的合作,以及域外大国和有关组织机构的助推。东帝汶离入盟目标已越来越近,入盟将对其自身、东盟、中国产生多方面影响。Desde a independência de Timor-Leste em 2002,para alcançar o objetivo de aderir à ASEAN,foram feitos muitos esforços pelos sucessivos governos timorenses. No momento,o país encontra uns obstáculos,tais como a economia frágil,o desenvolvimento social atrasado,o recurso humano fraco,a capacidade lim


Abstract:Since the independence of Timor-Leste in 2002,its government has successively made a lot of efforts to join ASEAN. To realize this goal,Timor-Leste is currently facing some obstacles:vulnerable economy,backward social development,insufficient human resources,limited capacity,and other political and social problems. At the same time,there are also favorable factors:the government’s great efforts to promote construction and de... 展开

Abstract:Since the independence of Timor-Leste in 2002,its government has successively made a lot of efforts to join ASEAN. To realize this goal,Timor-Leste is currently facing some obstacles:vulnerable economy,backward social development,insufficient human resources,limited capacity,and other political and social problems. At the same time,there are also favorable factors:the government’s great efforts to promote construction and development at the national level,its pursuit of further cooperation with ASEAN countries,and the help of foreign powers and organizations that boosts its joining ASEAN. Timor-Leste has been getting closer to its goal of accession to ASEAN. Its accession to ASEAN will influence ASEAN and China in many aspects as well as Timor-Leste itself.


