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作者:张明 出版日期:2009年12月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21088 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2010年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文从储备货币体系与国际金融机构这两个层面来讨论美国次贷危机背景下国际金融体系改革。美元本位制下缺乏对储备货币发行的约束,美国政府很难兼顾国际流动性需求与国内货币政策需求,相应造成的国际收支失衡在一定程度上推动了危机的爆发。以IMF为代表的国际金融机构在次贷危机爆发前已经事实上被边缘化。次贷危机爆发之后,在储备货币体系改革方面,提出了创建超主权储备货币以及多极储备货币体系的建议。次贷危机也推动了IMF改革的进程,尤其在增加IMF可利用资源以及I... 展开



Abstract:This paper analyzes the reform of international financial system after the burst of sub-prime crisis in the following two aspects:global reserve currency and international financial institutions. There is no real constraint for the issuance of reserve currency under Dollar Standard,and it is difficult for U.S. government to balance the global needs for liquidity and domestic monetary policy stance. The resulting global imbalance and... 展开

Abstract:This paper analyzes the reform of international financial system after the burst of sub-prime crisis in the following two aspects:global reserve currency and international financial institutions. There is no real constraint for the issuance of reserve currency under Dollar Standard,and it is difficult for U.S. government to balance the global needs for liquidity and domestic monetary policy stance. The resulting global imbalance and excess liquidity sowed the seeds of sub-prime crisis. The international financial institutions such as IMF have already been marginalized before the burst of sub-prime crisis. After the crisis,for reserve currency,some proposals such as creating super-sovereign reserve currency and multi-polar reserve currency have been brought forward. The crisis also speeds up the reform of IMF,especially in the areas such as expanding IMF's usable resource and increasing the flexibility of IMF's loans.


