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作者:庞大鹏 出版日期:2023年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14411 字 所属丛书:俄罗斯黄皮书 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2022年俄罗斯内政外交的核心事件是乌克兰危机全面升级。这将在一个相当长的时间内对俄罗斯发展前景及国际格局产生深刻影响。对乌克兰采取“特别军事行动”是普京时代乃至俄罗斯历史上一个事关国家发展全局的战略性选择。尽管俄乌战事延宕一年有余,俄罗斯目前面临的外部压力极大,但俄不可能轻易放弃自己的目标。无论是政治、经济、外交还是安全方面,俄罗斯都在经历苏联解体以来最大的一次危机和挑战。俄罗斯与美国及西方地缘政治对抗的尖锐化和俄乌战事的长期化对俄罗斯... 展开



Abstract:The core event of Russia’s domestic and foreign affairs in 2022 was the escalation of the Ukraine crisis. The conflict has a profound impact on Russia’s development prospects and the international situation. Taking special military action against Ukraine is a strategic choice in the Putin era and even in the history of Russia that has a bearing on the overall development of the country. Although the conflict between Russia and Ukrai... 展开

Abstract:The core event of Russia’s domestic and foreign affairs in 2022 was the escalation of the Ukraine crisis. The conflict has a profound impact on Russia’s development prospects and the international situation. Taking special military action against Ukraine is a strategic choice in the Putin era and even in the history of Russia that has a bearing on the overall development of the country. Although the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been delayed for more than a year and Russia faces great external pressure,it is impossible for Russia to give up its goals easily. No matter in politics,economy,diplomacy or security,Russia is experiencing the biggest crisis and challenge since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The intensification of geopolitical confrontation between Russia and the US and the West and the protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine have brought a series of new tests to Russia’s pursuit of political stability. Therefore,the issue of regime security becomes the top priority of Russia’s internal affairs in 2022. For the security of the regime,in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,Russia has increased the protection of people’s livelihood,introduced legal measures to deal with emergencies,maintained the political agenda,ensured that local elections were smooth,and achieved stability under high pressure.


