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作者:李慧明 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13946 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年在全球气候治理进程中具有重要意义,作为COP26的主办国,英国承担着重要的国际责任。从2020年下半年开始,约翰逊政府在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的同时,推动绿色复苏,于2020年12月提出了英国的”国家自主贡献“目标——2030年比1990年减排68%;2021年4月通过了第6次碳预算,提出到2035年减排78%。约翰逊政府采取了一系列积极措施来推动这一目标的实现,试图推动英国引领绿色工业革命。在气候外交方面,英国2020年12月与联合国一起主办了气候雄心峰会,2021年5月与德国一起... 展开



Abstract:2021 is of great significance in the process of global climate governance. As the host country of COP26,the UK bears important international responsibility. In the second half of 2020,the Johnson administration launched a green recovery while fighting COVID-19. In December 2020,it proposed the UK’s “Nationally Determined Contributions” target-a 68% reduction of emissions in 2030 than that of 1990. In April 2021,the sixth carbon... 展开

Abstract:2021 is of great significance in the process of global climate governance. As the host country of COP26,the UK bears important international responsibility. In the second half of 2020,the Johnson administration launched a green recovery while fighting COVID-19. In December 2020,it proposed the UK’s “Nationally Determined Contributions” target-a 68% reduction of emissions in 2030 than that of 1990. In April 2021,the sixth carbon budget was passed,and it was proposed to reduce emissions by 78% by 2035. A series of positive measures were taken to promote the realization of this goal,trying to promote the UK to lead the green industrial revolution. In terms of climate diplomacy,the UK hosted the Climate Ambition Summit with the United Nations in December 2020 and hosted the Petersburg Climate Dialogue with Germany in May 2021. In order to promote the success of COP26 in November 2021,the UK carried out positive climate diplomacy,and used the opportunity of serving as the rotating presidency of the Group of Seven(G7),and the Group of Twenty(G20)with Italy to promote the strengthening of climate action by the international community. As for bilateral relations,the UK used the special Anglo-American relations to strengthen climate cooperation with the Biden administration of the United States.


