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作者:毛国民 陈晓毅 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14521 字 所属丛书:欧洲移民蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲移民发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新冠疫情对全球健康、经济、国际关系等带来巨大冲击,也广泛地影响了人口的跨国流动。欧盟国家为应对疫情,自2020年3月起“间断性”关闭边境、限制人员聚集和流动,进入欧洲寻求庇护的难民数量明显下降,长期居留类移民和短期务工类移民流动性也在降低,非常规移民在欧洲各国普遍存在。疫情之下,欧洲国家采用“推”“挡”“拉”“融”四结合的移民管理策略,以期缓解国际人口流动带来的政治、经济与社会等方面的冲击,但也产生了诸多问题,包括难民援助危机、移民和难民... 展开



Abstract:The COVID-19 epidemic has brought huge impacts on global health,economy and international relations,and has also extensively affected cross-border population mobility. In response to the epidemic,EU countries have intermittently closed their borders and restricted the gathering and movement of people since March 2020. As a result,the number of asylum-seeking refugees entering Europe has dropped significantly,and the mobility of l... 展开

Abstract:The COVID-19 epidemic has brought huge impacts on global health,economy and international relations,and has also extensively affected cross-border population mobility. In response to the epidemic,EU countries have intermittently closed their borders and restricted the gathering and movement of people since March 2020. As a result,the number of asylum-seeking refugees entering Europe has dropped significantly,and the mobility of long-term migrants and short-term migrant workers has also decreased. Irregular migrants are widespread in European countries. During the epidmic,European countries have adopted “push” “pull” “block” “harmony” four combined strategies in immigration management. These strategies effectively alleviate the negative impacts of international population movement on the political,economic,and social etc.;however,a series of problems occurs,including humanitarian crisis,immigrants and refugees integration difficulties.The tightening of immigration policy has become the convergent choice of political parties in various countries,and the cracks in the cooperation between EU countries have increased in the resettlement of refugees. Removing the “politicization” of the immigration issue and restoring the economy as soon as possible to lay a solid foundation for the integration of immigrants have become the necessary measures for European immigration management.



