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作者:姚昕 龙厚印 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6642 字 所属丛书:低碳发展蓝皮书 所属图书:福建“碳达峰、碳中和”报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:实现碳达峰、碳中和是一场广泛而深刻的经济社会系统性变革,与能源转型升级和经济高质量发展息息相关。随着我国工业化和城镇化发展,区域经济发展对高耗能产业表现出一定的依赖性。进入新发展阶段,我国经济由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,对高质量能源体系支撑提出了更高要求,能源结构与经济结构转型升级迫在眉睫。当前,我国致力于推动能源清洁低碳转型,为碳中和愿景实现提供了清洁发展路径、清洁能源技术、制度政策保障。经济高质量发展要求碳中和愿景与经济发展... 展开



Abstract:Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a profound systematic change in economy and society,which is closely related to energy transformation and upgrading and high-quality economic development. With the trends of China’s industrialization and urbanization,regional economic development has shown a certain degree of dependence on high energy-consuming industries. Entering a new stage of development,China’s economy has shift... 展开

Abstract:Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a profound systematic change in economy and society,which is closely related to energy transformation and upgrading and high-quality economic development. With the trends of China’s industrialization and urbanization,regional economic development has shown a certain degree of dependence on high energy-consuming industries. Entering a new stage of development,China’s economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development,which put forward higher requirements for the support of a high-quality energy system. The transformation and upgrading of the energy structure and economic structure is imminent. At present,China is promoting a clean and low-carbon energy transformation,which provides a clean development path,clean energy technology,and institutional policy guarantees for the realization of the carbon neutrality prospect. High-quality economic development requires the coordination of carbon neutral prospect and economic development. We need to adhere to the systemic concept and promote the optimization of assessment indicators,the upgrading of industrial structure,the development of market integration,and the innovation of green technology.



