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作者:刘硕 出版日期:2019年11月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15940 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:气候变化导致灾害频发,对人类社会、经济活动产生深远影响。为了降低气候变化导致的不利影响、减少损失和损害,国际社会积极采取适应措施和风险管理方法,以提高应对能力和效果。适应、损失和损害是《联合国气候变化框架公约》中涉及气候风险管理的重要议题,2018年后各国政府聚焦于如何通过科学手段提高气候灾害风险治理水平,特别是帮助发展中国家提高监测和评估水平,在与科学界紧密合作的基础上,寻求风险管理新模式。中国在环境保护任务艰巨、社会发展压力巨大的情况... 展开



Abstract:Climate change causes frequent disasters and has a profound impact on human social and economic activities. In order to reduce the adverse effects and damage caused by climate change,the international community has actively adopted adaptation measures and risk management methods to improve capacity and effectiveness for addressing climate change. Adaptation,loss and damage is an important issue of the United Nations Framework Conven... 展开

Abstract:Climate change causes frequent disasters and has a profound impact on human social and economic activities. In order to reduce the adverse effects and damage caused by climate change,the international community has actively adopted adaptation measures and risk management methods to improve capacity and effectiveness for addressing climate change. Adaptation,loss and damage is an important issue of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change related to climate risk management. After 2018,governments from different countries,have focused on how to enhance the level of climate disaster risk management through scientific methods,especially to help developing countries improve their monitoring and assessment levels,and on the basis of close cooperation with the scientific community. On the other hand,we should seek a new model of risk management. Under the circumstances of arduous task of environmental protection and enormous pressure of social development,China still needs to take into account climate risk management,and faces many challenges in the future. This paper suggested that we should consider strengthening the formulation of technical standards and norms for climate risk management in China,improving the efficiency of cross-regional and cross-sectorial collaboration,improving the construction of monitoring and evaluation indicator system,so as to strengthen scientific and technological services.


