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作者:宋云峰 出版日期:2019年11月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10923 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自2016年脱欧公投以来,英国社会陷入了一种混乱状态。在社会层面上,脱欧派与留欧派相互对立,使社会出现了两大阵营的对立和分裂。在政府层面上,保守党因脱欧谈判带来的多重压力和广受诟病的紧缩政策而应接不暇。在这种形势下,不被看好的工党激进派领袖科尔宾及其拥护者逐渐形成了自己解决英国难题的一套思路,被称作“科尔宾经济学”,其主要政策包括将部分关系国计民生的行业重新国有化,提高税率和发行国债以取得社会服务行业所急需的资金,以及将拥有250名以上雇员... 展开



Abstract:Over the past years after his election as the radical leftist Labour leader,Jeremy Corbyn emerged with a series of social and economic policies with the help of his shadow chancellor John McDonnell. It is called Corbynomics which mainly includes borrowing more money to fund social services in the monetary policy,raising taxes and increasing spending in the fiscal policy,and more radical policies in terms of economic structure refor... 展开

Abstract:Over the past years after his election as the radical leftist Labour leader,Jeremy Corbyn emerged with a series of social and economic policies with the help of his shadow chancellor John McDonnell. It is called Corbynomics which mainly includes borrowing more money to fund social services in the monetary policy,raising taxes and increasing spending in the fiscal policy,and more radical policies in terms of economic structure reforms such as re-nationalising some industries and reforming the ownership of companies enabling workers to own 10% of the company share and participate in the business management. Corbinomics is rooted in the theories of the “moral economists” such as Karl Polanyi in the 1940s and his followers in the Labour Party such as R.H. Tawney and Tony Benn who argue for the inevitable nature of the greedy and corrupting capitalism which produces poverty and inequality and advocates mechanisms to restrain its negative power. To implement Corbynomics,the Labour Party has to win the trust of the voters with the rationality and practicality of its policies and its ability to implement them,thus get elected in the next general election.


