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作者:杨立华 出版日期:2019年08月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27041 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告No.21(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新南非已走过25年基本稳定和包容的发展历程。但是在祖马总统第二任期间,陷入治理困局,权力滥用、官员腐败,财经秩序受到冲击,经济增长缓慢,民众不满增加,导致非国大支持率大幅下降,威胁到执政地位。2017年底非国大权力交接,拉马福萨在激烈的竞争中当选非国大主席,并在2018年2月当选南非总统,成为众望所归的政治领袖。拉马福萨政府在维护非国大团结,坚持南非的包容性发展道路,组建正直、专业、高效的执政团队,推动反腐败依法、有序、公开进行,坚持依法、有序... 展开



Abstract:South Africa has been undergoing for 25 years in a relatively stable and inclusive development. However under President Zuma’s second term,a governance constraint occurred,including power abuse,wide spread corruption of “state capture”,distortion of financial order,a technical recession of its economy,and a growing discontent of the public,all these led to the sharp decline of popular support to the ANC,posing an alarm to i... 展开

Abstract:South Africa has been undergoing for 25 years in a relatively stable and inclusive development. However under President Zuma’s second term,a governance constraint occurred,including power abuse,wide spread corruption of “state capture”,distortion of financial order,a technical recession of its economy,and a growing discontent of the public,all these led to the sharp decline of popular support to the ANC,posing an alarm to its ruling party status. The ANC’s National Congress in December 2017 became a critical juncture of power transfer to save the ruling party from its governance dilemma. With the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as the ANC’s new president and thereafter the National Assembly elected him as the State President,a hope of renewal was widely felt. The Ramaphosa administration has put forward clear policies and measures in uniting the ANC and forming a strong and accountable cabinet,in dealing with anti-corruption as well as the sensible land reform in an open and transparent way,and pushing forward strong investment -friendly efforts,so as to make South Africa’s economy to recover in a healthy way. Although uncertainties and challenges were still there,the ANC led by Ramaphosa as the majority expected,won the 2019 National Election in May 2019 with 57.5% of the votes. The next 5 years will be a crucial period in South Africa’s development. High expectation in South Africa and from abroad hope to see the country’s rejuvenation.


