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作者:曲兵 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13065 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:英国脱欧后将重新获得“独立的”贸易政策,因此它在努力开拓海外市场的同时,正在设计和推行面向“后脱欧”时代的贸易政策。相关工作需要同时在欧盟、欧盟以外地区及世界贸易组织(WTO)三个维度展开,包括与欧盟达成“定制的”的自由贸易协定,“继承”欧盟与第三方签订的贸易协定,与欧盟以外国家或地区性组织磋商双边贸易协定等,也包括在WTO框架下的一系列活动。英国政府尽全力推动出口,相关举措包括推出国内立法,出台新的产业战略和出口战略,强化出口信贷等。成功... 展开



Abstract:The UK will regain control over its trade policy when it leaves the EU. Its vision to build a future trade policy will be achieved by negotiating a “bespoke” trade deal with the EU,rolling over existing EU trade deals and reaching its own free trade agreements with countries outside the EU. In addition,resetting the UK’s place in the WTO is crucial. The UK government has made every endeavor to boost exports through making changes... 展开

Abstract:The UK will regain control over its trade policy when it leaves the EU. Its vision to build a future trade policy will be achieved by negotiating a “bespoke” trade deal with the EU,rolling over existing EU trade deals and reaching its own free trade agreements with countries outside the EU. In addition,resetting the UK’s place in the WTO is crucial. The UK government has made every endeavor to boost exports through making changes to domestic law,implementing the new Industrial Strategy and Export Strategy and increasing government-backed export finance. There remain several problems for the UK in establishing new trading relationships. Most of all,the success of UK’s trade policy is highly dependent on the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations. If Britain is heading towards a “no-deal Brexit”,Post-Brexit UK trade policy will remain a pipe dream.


