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作者:杨芳 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14228 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017/2018年,与英国脱欧的不确定性以及国际形势的复杂多变性相比,“黄金时代”的定位赋予了中英合作难能可贵的相对稳定性。双边关系务实推进,两国政治、经济与人文科技等交流总体向好,“一带一路”框架下大项目合作亦取得实质进展。与此同时,英国与欧盟的脱欧谈判也步入“关键期”,内外政策正相应调整,影响外溢。此外,英国国内在维护“基于规则的国际体系”、投资审查以及南海等问题上存在不同的声音,亦影响了梅政府对华政策的稳定性。未来一段时期,如果英欧能... 展开



Abstract:In 2017-2018,compared with the uncertainty of the Brexit and the complex variability of the international situation,the Sino-British cooperation developed relatively steadily in the “Golden Era”. Bilateral relations have been advancing in a pragmatic manner,and the exchanges in political,economic,cultural and scientific areas have improved on the whole,while substantial progress has been made in terms of cooperation on major p... 展开

Abstract:In 2017-2018,compared with the uncertainty of the Brexit and the complex variability of the international situation,the Sino-British cooperation developed relatively steadily in the “Golden Era”. Bilateral relations have been advancing in a pragmatic manner,and the exchanges in political,economic,cultural and scientific areas have improved on the whole,while substantial progress has been made in terms of cooperation on major projects under the “Belt and Road Initiative” framework. At the same period,the Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU entered a “critical stage”,with the British government’s internal and external policies being adjusted accordingly,which has a certain impact on the outside world. In addition,on some issues such as “China and the rules-based international system”,“national security and infrastructure investment review” and “free navigation” in South China Sea,different voices in the UK exist,which have influenced May’s government’s China policy to some extent. In the near future,if Britain and the EU can reach a consensus,and Britain could “orderly” exit from the EU,as permanent members of the UN Security Council and two of the world’s major economies,China and Britain are expected to jointly build some kind of “Rules-based Partner”,to jointly uphold the international order and systems based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,and the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization(WTO)at its core. The upgrading of trade relations in the post-Brexit era will also be one of the priorities of the future development of Sino-British bilateral relations.


