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作者:朱伟东 出版日期:2018年07月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22718 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告.No.20(2017~2018):非洲形势:新情况、新特点和新趋势 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:非洲投资法律环境主要由非洲各国国内投资法律环境和国际投资法律环境组成。其中非洲国际投资法律环境主要由非洲国家缔结的双边投资保护条约以及非洲国家加入的地区性和国际性多边投资条约组成。2000年以来,非洲国内投资法律环境出现四个明显特点或趋势:国内投资环境宽松化、本土成分扩大化、争议解决国内化以及国内仲裁体制现代化;双边投资法律环境的特点主要表现为双边投资条约数量激增、投资条约分布失衡以及投资条约内容的转向;非洲地区性投资法律环境呈现出两大特... 展开



Abstract:The African Law Environment is mainly composed of the domestic investment laws in African countries,the bilateral investments treaties concluded and the multilateral regional and international treaties relating to investment joined by African countries. Since 2000,the domestic investment laws in African countries can be characterized as improving the domestic investment environment,expanding the local content requirements,domestic... 展开

Abstract:The African Law Environment is mainly composed of the domestic investment laws in African countries,the bilateral investments treaties concluded and the multilateral regional and international treaties relating to investment joined by African countries. Since 2000,the domestic investment laws in African countries can be characterized as improving the domestic investment environment,expanding the local content requirements,domesticizing the investment dispute settlement,and internationalizing the domestic commercial arbitration. As for the bilateral investment law environment,there is a great increase in their numbers,an imbalance in their distribution as well as a shift in their content;and for the regional investment environment,the regional integration of investment laws and the regionalization of the investment dispute settlement are common phenomena in various regional economic communities in Africa;and last for the multilateral investment law environment,the multilateral investment guarantee is available to almost all the African countries by the MIGA. Most African countries are also members of ICSID Convention which provides a special platform for the investment dispute settlement,and the number of the investment disputes accepted by ICSID involving African countries is on the increase especially since 2000. The evolution of the investment law environment in Africa will definitely influence Chinese investment to Africa. Therefore,the relevant departments in the Chinese government and the Chinese enterprises making business in Africa should take relevant measures to response to such evolution.


