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作者:袁增霆 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10113 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:直到2017年底,信托业严监管周期即将开启的信号才显露出来。在此前近一年半的时间里,信托业经营增长率在相对宽松的监管环境中实现了V形反转。在金融同业去通道、严监管的背景下,信托业务逆势增长受到了更多的关注。信托行业统计中的结构变化特征,在一定程度上反映了信托通道业务的发展动向以及信托在服务金融体系与实体经济之间并行,面临合理与不合理成分共存的复杂局面。但是,信托业务分类及统计数据的质量还有待提高。当前反映的行业风险水平还不甚显著。它的真实... 展开



Abstract:It is not until the end of 2017 that the signal of coming out of the trust industry's strict regulatory cycle was revealed.In the past year and a half,the trust industry operated in a relatively loose regulatory environment with a v-shaped inversion.Under the background of the other financial industries' de-channelization and strict supervision,the growth of trust business received more attention.Structure characteristics of the tru... 展开

Abstract:It is not until the end of 2017 that the signal of coming out of the trust industry's strict regulatory cycle was revealed.In the past year and a half,the trust industry operated in a relatively loose regulatory environment with a v-shaped inversion.Under the background of the other financial industries' de-channelization and strict supervision,the growth of trust business received more attention.Structure characteristics of the trust industry statistics,to a certain extent,reflected the development trend of trust channel business,and trusted in the service in parallel between the financial system and the real economy,facing the complicated situation that the reasonable and unreasonable components coexist.However,in 2018 the quality of business classification and statistics needs to be improved.The current level of industry risk that statistics reflected is not significant.Its reality also depends on the observation of the future strict supervision.


