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作者:胡丹 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18136 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:英国一直是中国企业在欧洲进行并购投资的重要目的地国,2016~2017年度,英国先后经历了脱欧公投、提前大选、恐怖袭击等大事件,但中企在英投资仍延续强劲势头。虽然首相特雷莎·梅上任前一直对外资秉持谨慎态度,但该年度内英国的外资并购机制仍维持了开放的态势。在中企的热点投资领域——基础设施,新改制的全国基础设施委员会有望改善该领域决策过程冗长、低效的弊病;与此同时,北部振兴计划把权力下放到地方,将进一步维持英国对基础设施投资的巨大吸引力。在脱欧谈... 展开



Abstract:The UK has been a key destination for Chinese investment in Europe and momentum has been well kept during 2016-2017 despite frustrating events like Brexit,an early election and terrorist attacks. The new Prime Minister Theresa May has kept the FDI regime open,though she had indicated caution against foreign investment before taking office. The newly structured National Infrastructure Commission is a positive signal too in that decis... 展开

Abstract:The UK has been a key destination for Chinese investment in Europe and momentum has been well kept during 2016-2017 despite frustrating events like Brexit,an early election and terrorist attacks. The new Prime Minister Theresa May has kept the FDI regime open,though she had indicated caution against foreign investment before taking office. The newly structured National Infrastructure Commission is a positive signal too in that decision-making related to infrastructure deals is expected to be less restrained by party politics and in turn more efficient. This will further enhance the UK’s attractiveness as a destination for infrastructural investment,which is already ranked ninth by Arcadis global survey. The motivation of the UK government to revive economic cooperation with China seems to be growing,as it starts Brexit negotiations which are not expected to be an easy “divorce” with the EU. As the UK finds itself having to be more reliant on China to sustain economic growth and figures out how to interface its “Northern Powerhouse Plan” and Industrial Strategy with Chinese economic drives including the OBOR,prospect for Chinese investment in the UK remains positive.


