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作者:崔傅成 出版时间:2017年05月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15476 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年全球金融危机爆发之后,人们认识到缺乏从宏观的和逆周期的视角采取有效措施,忽视了金融风险的跨市场传播,导致金融市场和实体经济剧烈波动,成为引发金融危机的重要原因,宏观审慎监管得以受到高度的关注。由于货币政策与宏观审慎监管并非完全相互独立,政策制定者需要掌握在宏观审慎监管和货币政策下金融风险的传递机制,才能有效地进行制度安排。本文根据中国金融市场的特点设置合理的假设,构建包括家庭、企业、银行、广义政府四大部门的模型,根据已有的文献和... 展开



Abstract:After the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008,having recognized that the important reason for the financial crisis lay on the fact that we failed to take effective measures from the macroeconomic and counter-cyclical perspective and ignored the cross-market spread of financial risks,which led a volatility to the financial markets and physical economy,the macro-prudential supervision received a high degree of attention. ... 展开

Abstract:After the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008,having recognized that the important reason for the financial crisis lay on the fact that we failed to take effective measures from the macroeconomic and counter-cyclical perspective and ignored the cross-market spread of financial risks,which led a volatility to the financial markets and physical economy,the macro-prudential supervision received a high degree of attention. Since monetary policy and macro-prudential supervision are not completely independent from each other,policymakers need to master the transfer mechanism of financial risk under macro-prudential supervision and monetary policy,so as to carry out institutional arrangements effectively. Based on the characteristics of China’s financial market,this paper sets up reasonable assumptions,estimates the calibration parameters according to the existing literature and the actual data,constructs the model including the households,the enterprises,the banks and the generalized government,analyzes and compares the operating mechanism of financial risk transfer under different monetary policy and macro-prudential supervision. The results show that there is a clear macroeconomic effect on macro-prudential supervision. The counter-cyclical monetary policy is highly compatible with the macro-prudential supervision of the reverse cycle. There are different interaction effects between different monetary policy and macro-prudential supervision.



