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作者:贾丁 出版日期:2017年04月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14104 字 所属丛书:葡语国家蓝皮书 所属图书:葡语国家发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015~2016年,安哥拉经济形势进一步恶化,经济指标整体疲软,多元经济发展缓慢。随着2017年总统大选临近,安哥拉的政治形势也骤然紧张。经济困顿使安哥拉执政党安哥拉人民解放运动的政治控制出现松动。安哥拉人民解放运动高层中出现不同的声音,对多斯桑托斯总统的执政理念提出质疑。同时,反对党和自由派人士也不断对多斯桑托斯及其家族进行抨击和批判。而多斯桑托斯也雷厉风行地撤换多个内阁部长,并将自己的子女安排在多个重要位子上。经济形势恶化也引起了不稳定的社... 展开

文章摘要:2015~2016年,安哥拉经济形势进一步恶化,经济指标整体疲软,多元经济发展缓慢。随着2017年总统大选临近,安哥拉的政治形势也骤然紧张。经济困顿使安哥拉执政党安哥拉人民解放运动的政治控制出现松动。安哥拉人民解放运动高层中出现不同的声音,对多斯桑托斯总统的执政理念提出质疑。同时,反对党和自由派人士也不断对多斯桑托斯及其家族进行抨击和批判。而多斯桑托斯也雷厉风行地撤换多个内阁部长,并将自己的子女安排在多个重要位子上。经济形势恶化也引起了不稳定的社会连锁反应,暴力犯罪迅速增加,特别是针对中资企业与华人的犯罪已经严重阻碍了中安经贸关系的发展。在外交方面,安哥拉也一改前些年的强势和积极,求得经济援助和发展合作成为其外交活动的主题。中安关系也正在经济危机中接受考验。多斯桑托斯顶着国内巨大的压力,停止了与国际货币基金组织的谈判,转而向中国寻求帮助。而不同于西方金融机构象征性的经济援助,中国几乎是在以一己之力为安哥拉经济“续命”。Durante 2015 e 2016,a economia angolana deteriorou-se ainda mais,o índice económico f


Abstract:During the year of 2015-2016,Angola’s economic situation experienced further deterioration,worries rising amid worse-than-expected economic indicators,and sluggish development in diversified economy. With the suddenly emerging tenses in Angola’s domestic political environment,the Angola Presidential Election is approaching. Due to economic hardships,the political control of ruling party,the People’s Movement for the Liberatio... 展开

Abstract:During the year of 2015-2016,Angola’s economic situation experienced further deterioration,worries rising amid worse-than-expected economic indicators,and sluggish development in diversified economy. With the suddenly emerging tenses in Angola’s domestic political environment,the Angola Presidential Election is approaching. Due to economic hardships,the political control of ruling party,the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola,was loosening:there are different voices in MPLA seniors,with the President dos Santos’s governing philosophy intensely questioned and challenged;oppositions and liberals have also been criticizing President dos Santos and his family. President dos Santos resolutely replaced several cabinet ministers and arranged his children in important positions. The deterioration of economic situation has also caused a chain reaction of social instability;violent crime is on the upswing,especially those against Chinese people and enterprises,which seriously hindered the development of economic and trade relations between China and Angola. Instead of performing strongly and positive,getting economic aid and development cooperation has become the aim of Angola’s diplomatic activities. The relationship between China and Angola has experienced the test of economic crisis:President dos Santos,who is under huge domestic pressure,has ended negotiations with the IMF and turned to China for help;China is almost saving Angola’s economy on its own,in comparison with the symbolic economic aid provided by western financial institutions.


