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作者:李来孺 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:32 页 报告大小: 报告字数:29276 字 所属丛书:印度洋地区蓝皮书 所属图书:印度洋地区发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年是莫迪执政的开局之年。本着对外资友好和开放的态度,莫迪政府进一步拓宽了外国投资的领域,并围绕与外国投资有关的税法、劳动法、征地法、破产法和知识产权领域修订相关法律,推出了一系列新政策,并以“廉政”为导向,肃清公务员系统腐败低效的旧风。但是,受国内复杂的政治和文化环境影响,莫迪的新政遭遇了不同程度的阻碍。此起彼伏的民众抗议蔓延全国。劳动法和征地法等重要修正案滞阻于议会,多项改革停留于政策层面,难以上升到法律的高度。2016年,莫迪新政... 展开



Abstract:The year of 2015 is the new start for Modi government. In line with the attitude of being open and friendly to the foreign investment,Modi government furthered to open up industries available for foreigners. A series of amendments to the acts and regulations,and new policies concerning taxation,labour,acquisition of land,bankruptcy,and intellectual property protection have been enacted which would be meant to benefit foreign inv... 展开

Abstract:The year of 2015 is the new start for Modi government. In line with the attitude of being open and friendly to the foreign investment,Modi government furthered to open up industries available for foreigners. A series of amendments to the acts and regulations,and new policies concerning taxation,labour,acquisition of land,bankruptcy,and intellectual property protection have been enacted which would be meant to benefit foreign investment likewise. The “incorrupt government”-oriented activities have been carrying out to clean up the style of inefficiency and corruption in the civil servant system. Otherwise,because of the sophisticated political and cultural environment in current India,those new moves of Modi encounter hindering forces in different ways. Public protests are continuously emerging all around India. The amendments to labour law and land acquisition law were suspended in the Congress. Many important reforms could just be expressed in some policies,and have not been legislated into laws yet. In 2016,it is clear that only when a balance between “openness” and “protection” could be achieved,the economic reform in India could be on the right track.


