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作者:陆瑾 出版日期:2014年10月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14186 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告No.16(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:奥巴马总统获连任后再次把外交解决伊核争端作为优先选项,深陷经济困境的伊朗态度也出现软化。伊朗与六国(中、美、英、法、俄、德)重启新一轮伊核谈判。阿拉木图对话会无果而终,但进入了讨价还价的实质性阶段。伊朗国内外对主张“走温和路线”的鲁哈尼当选伊朗新总统反应积极。伊朗外交实现快速转型,进入“与世界建设性互动”的新时期。鲁哈尼政府在执政百日内取得美伊关系“破冰”、签订伊核问题日内瓦第一阶段协议等重大外交成果,其中新外长扎里夫功不可没。伊核问... 展开



Abstract:During his second presidential tenure,President Obama once again adopted diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute as a priority option,which also given rise to the attitude changes of Iran government,facing dire economic difficulties. Iran and the “P5 +1” countries(the United States,China,Britain,France,Russia and Germany)restarted a new round of Iranian nuclear talks,and Almaty Dialogue was fruitless,but entere... 展开

Abstract:During his second presidential tenure,President Obama once again adopted diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute as a priority option,which also given rise to the attitude changes of Iran government,facing dire economic difficulties. Iran and the “P5 +1” countries(the United States,China,Britain,France,Russia and Germany)restarted a new round of Iranian nuclear talks,and Almaty Dialogue was fruitless,but entered a substantive stage in bargaining. Iran and the international community for advocating “moderate walking route” Rowhani was elected Iran’s new president reacted positively. Iranian foreign achieved rapid transformation into “constructive interaction with the world,” the new era. The new Foreign Minister Zarif has played an important role in “ice-breaking” development in the US-Iran relations,signing the First Phase Agreements of the Iranian Nuclear Issue in Geneva and other major diplomatic achievements that Rowhani’s government made during the first-hundred-day’s regime. Iranian nuclear issue is rapidly forward along the right track for a diplomatic solution,but there are still many obstacles ahead.


