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作者:张昊 出版日期:2014年09月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17133 字 所属丛书:中亚黄皮书 所属图书:中亚国家发展报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年土库曼斯坦政治总体保持稳定,经济发展势头依旧良好,着力追求多元化外交。政治领域,工业家和企业家党通过选举第一次进入议会,改变议会单一党派局面;阿富汗北约联军撤军在即,土库曼斯坦安全形势成为新的关注点;土高层人事出现大变革,凸显总统打击腐败的决心。经济领域,全年GDP增长10.2%,经济各领域发展形势良好;私有化进程开始正式实施;各方对于土库曼斯坦未来经济形势保持乐观。外交领域,中土关系开启新篇章,美土关系保持良好,俄土关系总体稳定;与周... 展开



Abstract:Turkmenistan maintained political stability and favorable economic momentum,and continued to pursue a pluralistic diplomacy in 2013.In political field,the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs joined the parliament for the first time through election and changed the long history of single party parliament. With the date of the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan approaching,the Turkmen security situation has become a new point of... 展开

Abstract:Turkmenistan maintained political stability and favorable economic momentum,and continued to pursue a pluralistic diplomacy in 2013.In political field,the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs joined the parliament for the first time through election and changed the long history of single party parliament. With the date of the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan approaching,the Turkmen security situation has become a new point of attention. The sharp personnel adjustment in the government fully demonstrated the resolve of the President to crack down corruption. In economic field,a growth rate of 10.2% and smooth development in various sectors were guaranteed,the process of privatization began to be officially implemented,and all sides are optimistic about Turkmenistan’s future economic development. On the diplomatic front,China-Turkmenistan relations entered a new stage,US-Turkmenistan relations remained well,and Russia-Turkmenistan relations were kept stable. Turkmenistan further improved its diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries and actively participated in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.


