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作者:刘博玲 出版时间:2023年07月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11580 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:文化在维护国家认同方面发挥着重要作用。在面临包括文化领域在内的严峻挑战之际,俄罗斯在立法和实践层面采取多项措施,以促进俄罗斯传统文化和道德价值观的传承与保护。面对特殊的外部环境和压力,俄罗斯总统普京签署了《俄罗斯联邦对外人文政策构想》总统令,在人文合作框架下提出了俄罗斯的人文概念和价值观,旨在促进世界其他国家客观地理解俄罗斯文化价值观,同时加大俄罗斯文化在国外的传播力度。为实现“保护俄罗斯传统精神道德价值观、文化和历史记忆”这一国家战... 展开



Abstract:Culture plays an important role in maintaining national identity. When facing serious challenges,including challenges in the cultural field,Russia has taken various measures at the legislative and practical levels to promote the inheritance and protection of Russian traditional culture and spiritual and moral values. Under the special external environment,the Russian President signed the Concept of Russian Federation’s Foreign Hum... 展开

Abstract:Culture plays an important role in maintaining national identity. When facing serious challenges,including challenges in the cultural field,Russia has taken various measures at the legislative and practical levels to promote the inheritance and protection of Russian traditional culture and spiritual and moral values. Under the special external environment,the Russian President signed the Concept of Russian Federation’s Foreign Humanistic Policy,which is Russia’s own ideas and values within the framework of the concept of humanistic cooperation,aiming at establishing and strengthening the objective acceptance of Russia in the world and promoting the acceptance and dissemination of Russian culture abroad. In order to realize the national strategy of “protecting Russia’s traditional spiritual and moral values,culture and historical memory”,the Russian President signed the presidential decree “Basic Outline of National Policy for Protecting and Strengthening Russian Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values”. In addition,the parliament of the Russian Federation passed the “Law on Intangible National Cultural Heritage” to promote the inheritance and protection of national cultures. On the practical level,various cultural projects progressed smoothly in 2022,among which the Russian national projects “Culture”,“Pushkin Card” and “Russian Creativity” all achieved good results.



