文章摘要:2022年俄罗斯地方选举如期举行,在乌克兰危机全面升级的背景下,本次选举被视为观察俄罗斯政治稳定的一扇窗口。综合来看,本次地方选举联邦中央达到了预期目标,“统一俄罗斯”党(简称统俄党)在15个联邦主体领导人选举中大获全胜,在6个联邦主体议会取得了多数席位,支持率下降的态势得到了有效缓解。地方自治机构选举中,统俄党再次获得压倒性胜利,实现了基层政治稳定。反对党的得票率维持了低稳定的一贯态势,新人党作为新兴政党正在地方政治层面扩张自己的势力。俄... 展开
Abstract:In 2022,Russia’s local elections were held as scheduled. Against the backdrop of the escalation of the Ukraine crisis,this election was regarded as a test for Russia’s political stability. Generally,the central government achieved the expected goal of stability in the local elections. The United Russia won the election of leaders of 15 federal subjects and won a majority in the parliaments of six federal subjects,which relieved ... 展开