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作者:吴凡 罗稀凡 出版日期:2023年04月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24388 字 所属丛书:欧洲移民蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲移民发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:受到新冠疫情的影响,欧洲各国采取边境管控措施,导致全球移民流动减少,但是在当前复杂的国际社会背景下,国际难民的增长趋势却保持不变。2011年,西班牙是欧盟国家中接收国际保护申请数量排名第14的国家,到2021年,西班牙已经跃居第3。然而,西班牙国际保护申请的低通过率十分引人注目,究其原因,一方面与西班牙目前的难民庇护体系未能有效应对国际保护申请现象的波动有密切关系,另一方面也和西班牙政府对难民的关注程度有关。西班牙的难民庇护体系主要经历了两个阶... 展开



Abstract:Due to the eruption of COVID-19 pandemic situation,many European countries have tightened the border control measures,which caused a reduction in global migration. However,in view of the current complex international situation,the growing trend in international migration has remained. In 2011,Spain was the 14th country in the EU in terms of the number of applications for international protection,and by 2021,Spain has jumped to ... 展开

Abstract:Due to the eruption of COVID-19 pandemic situation,many European countries have tightened the border control measures,which caused a reduction in global migration. However,in view of the current complex international situation,the growing trend in international migration has remained. In 2011,Spain was the 14th country in the EU in terms of the number of applications for international protection,and by 2021,Spain has jumped to the third place. However,the low asylum grant rate in Spain is very noticeable. The reasons are closely related to two facts,one is that the current asylum system in Spain fails to effectively response to the fluctuation of international protection applications,and the other is related to the government’s attitude toward refugees. The asylum system of Spain has mainly gone through two stages,one is the immigration crisis in 2015 and the other is COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In these two periods,although the government took some measures to deal with the crisis,there is still a need for further improvement in emergency management. This report presents and analyzes international protection policy and asylum system in Spain,and provides suggestions for reference.



