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作者:漆彤 方镇邦 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19147 字 所属丛书:中国促进国际法治蓝皮书 所属图书:中国促进国际法治报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:国际经贸规则体系的变革与中国应对是2019年度中国国际经济法学研究的主题。WTO改革、国际投资争端解决机制改革、中美经贸摩擦等无不彰显了国际经贸规则正经历着前所未有之挑战与变革。“人类命运共同体”理念的提出、“一带一路”倡议的推进为变动中的国际经贸规则带来了源自中国的动力。《外商投资法》的通过、对自由贸易区(港)制度创新的探索等表明我国正在国内层面开展积极调整以应对外部形势变化。2019年中国国际经济法学者在以上方面有着较为集中的研究并取得了一... 展开



Abstract:The changing international economic and trade rules and China’s response is the theme of the study of China’s international economic law in 2019. The WTO reform,the reform of the international investment dispute settlement mechanism and the Sino-U.S.Economic and trade frictions showed that the international economic and trade rules were experiencing unprecedented challenges and changes. The proposal of the “Community of Shared Fut... 展开

Abstract:The changing international economic and trade rules and China’s response is the theme of the study of China’s international economic law in 2019. The WTO reform,the reform of the international investment dispute settlement mechanism and the Sino-U.S.Economic and trade frictions showed that the international economic and trade rules were experiencing unprecedented challenges and changes. The proposal of the “Community of Shared Future for Mankind” and the deepening practice of the “Belt and Road” initiative have brought impetus originating from China to the changing international economic and trade rules. At the same time,the adoption of Foreign Investment Law and the exploration of establishing free trade ports reflected China’s proactive adjustment at the domestic level to dealing with the changes in international economic and trade rules. The study of China’s international economic law in 2019 mainly focused on the abovementioned aspects and achieved some gratifying results. Since the International economic and trade rules will be constantly changing and developing,how to deeply grasp the trend of international economic and trade rules and make theoretical contributions to China’s response requires the unremitting efforts of the international economic law community.



