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作者:张蓓 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14736 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在各方关注之下,约翰逊政府在成立一年多后终于做出重要的产业政策部署,公布了首份文件《更好复苏:我们的增长计划》。该文件继续突出约翰逊上台后强调的产业政策三要素——基础设施、技能、创新,同时设定了”拉动地区平衡发展“、实现”净零“、把握”全球英国“机遇等目标,并做出了一系列重要政策创新。但同时该文件有明显回归”新自由主义传统“迹象,未能为英国经济产业的长期战略发展提供足够指引,引发产业界和研究界的批评与忧虑。种种迹象显示,此份文件仅是约... 展开



Abstract:After a year-long delay,the Johnson government finally made an important move on industrial policy,releasing its first document Build Back Better:our plan for growth. The document continues to highlight the three elements of industrial policy emphasized by Boris Johnson after he came to office,namely,infrastructure,skills,and innovation. Meanwhile,it sets such goals as “levelling up”,achieving “net zero”,and seizing the ... 展开

Abstract:After a year-long delay,the Johnson government finally made an important move on industrial policy,releasing its first document Build Back Better:our plan for growth. The document continues to highlight the three elements of industrial policy emphasized by Boris Johnson after he came to office,namely,infrastructure,skills,and innovation. Meanwhile,it sets such goals as “levelling up”,achieving “net zero”,and seizing the opportunity of “Global Britain”,while making some important policy innovations. However,the document shows clear signs of swinging back to “neoliberal tradition” and fails to provide adequate guidance for the long-term strategic development of the British economic industry,which has aroused criticism and worries from the industry and research circles. All indications are that this document is only the basis and starting point of the Johnson government’s industrial policies. In the coming years,the government will continue to use such policies to promote balanced regional development,realize low carbon transformation,seek opportunities out of the shock and devastation from Brexit and COVID-19,and cope with the new international geopolitical environment. In a word,the industrial policies of the UK will continue to evolve.



