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作者:李雨珊 张莹 出版日期:2021年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9607 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球气候变暖正对人类产生巨大且深刻的影响,积极应对气候变化已经成为世界各国政府的共识。随着2020年中国“双碳”目标的提出,碳中和理念已经逐渐渗入国内发展的各个领域。大型活动碳中和行动方案作为全球应对气候变化的重要创新举措,以低碳环保为实施理念,逐渐被采纳推广。作为我国重要历史节点的重大标志性活动,北京冬奥会承诺实现碳中和,展现了我国应对气候变化的决心。本文通过对大型活动碳中和的内涵要求、实施流程和实现路径进行解读,并对北京冬奥会碳中和措... 展开



Abstract:Global warming is having a huge and profound impact on mankind while addressing climate change has already become a global consensus. With the announcement of peaking emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060,the concept of carbon neutrality has led the trend of domestic development in China. As an innovative measure to combat climate change,carbon neutrality of mega events has been adopted and promoted with ... 展开

Abstract:Global warming is having a huge and profound impact on mankind while addressing climate change has already become a global consensus. With the announcement of peaking emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060,the concept of carbon neutrality has led the trend of domestic development in China. As an innovative measure to combat climate change,carbon neutrality of mega events has been adopted and promoted with the ideology of low-carbon management and environmental protection. As a landmark activity at this historical node,the promise of carbon neutrality of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games has showed China’s determination to deal with climate change. This paper studies the connotation,requirements,implementation process and path of carbon neutrality of mega events,and analyzes the carbon neutrality measures taken by the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games,so as to provide policy recommendation for carbon neutrality of other domestic mega events and help to fulfill the commitment of peaking emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060.



