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作者:郑楠 李源非 蔡期塬 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10327 字 所属丛书:低碳发展蓝皮书 所属图书:福建“碳达峰、碳中和”报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:完善顶层设计,充分发挥政策引导作用,是实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要保障。近年来,福建省出台相关政策文件提出了全省及重点领域的碳排放控制目标,为碳达峰、碳中和工作奠定了基础;明确大力发展低碳产业及新兴产业,并加大对高耗能产业的能效管控力度,有效促进了产业结构的低碳化转型;加快探索低碳发展市场机制,以市场化手段促进控碳减碳;积极推广节能减排技术研发利用,探索开展低碳城(镇)试点,持续推进控碳减碳工作。下阶段,福建省或将进一步收紧控碳减碳目... 展开



Abstract:Improving the top-level design and allowing the policy to play a guidance role are important guarantees for achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In recent years,Fujian government has issued certain relevant policies to put forward the carbon emissions control targets of the whole province and in key areas,laying a foundation for reaching carbon peak and achieving carbon neutrality. With relevant policies strongl... 展开

Abstract:Improving the top-level design and allowing the policy to play a guidance role are important guarantees for achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In recent years,Fujian government has issued certain relevant policies to put forward the carbon emissions control targets of the whole province and in key areas,laying a foundation for reaching carbon peak and achieving carbon neutrality. With relevant policies strongly supporting low-carbon industries and emerging industries as well as conducting strict regulatory control of high energy-consumption industries,the low-carbon transformation of the industrial structure has been effectively promoted. Meanwhile,the exploration of market mechanism for low-carbon development has been accelerated,emissions control and carbon reduction has been promoted through carbon market. Fujian has actively promoted research,development and utilization of energy conservation and emission reduction technologies,explored pilot projects in low-carbon cities(towns),and make continuous efforts to control and reduce carbon emissions. In the next stage,the targets of carbon control and carbon reduction may be further tightened and the formation of policy system which combines market methods and administration methods will be accelerated in Fujian. The driving forces of policy,flexible regulation,and public participation provide policy guarantees for Fujian to achieve the targets of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as scheduled.




