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作者:刘昌义 朱蓉 出版日期:2016年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10501 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2016):《巴黎协定》重在落实 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“十二五”期间,我国风能和太阳能快速发展。“十三五”期间,在经济调整转型、能源需求放缓的背景下,风能和太阳能发展将面临更大的挑战,如并网不足导致弃风、弃光现象严重;缺乏有效机制保障可再生能源的环境效益;电力需求下降,财政资金不足,可再生能源全额保障性收购和补贴政策无法落实到位,资金缺口增大。为了解决上述问题,能源部门适时提出了非水可再生能源配额证书交易机制(即“绿证”交易机制)。“绿证”交易可以有效地解决当前补贴资金不足的问题,保障20... 展开



Abstract:The wind and solar electricity had great achievement during the “12th Five-year” period. However,the wind and solar industry will face more challenges during the “13th Five-year” period,for example,large curtailment of wind and solar power due to limited integration;absence of mechanism to level the playing field for the environment benefits of the renewable energies;increasing gap of subsidy due to decreasing electricity dem... 展开

Abstract:The wind and solar electricity had great achievement during the “12th Five-year” period. However,the wind and solar industry will face more challenges during the “13th Five-year” period,for example,large curtailment of wind and solar power due to limited integration;absence of mechanism to level the playing field for the environment benefits of the renewable energies;increasing gap of subsidy due to decreasing electricity demand and limited fiscal budget,and so on. In order to solve these dilemmas,the National Energy Administration proposes a new scheme which requires the coal-fired power plants to trade the non-hydro renewable quota(i.e. “Green Certificate”). The “Green Certificate” Scheme can solve the above problems;meanwhile it can guarantee the renewable energy targets in 2020,become an important impetus for the electricity market reform and foundation for carbon emission trading scheme building in China. China now has already satisfied the requirements for the “Green Certificate” Scheme;however,it still needs more top-level designs and supporting mechanisms.



