文章摘要:自《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》实施以来,国家顶层设计与大湾区三地创新探索相结合,围绕人才发展重点环节不断加大人才制度和政策创新,率先构建起具有竞争力的多层次人才政策体系。但对照大湾区高质量发展要求,比照全球其他三大湾区,粤港澳大湾区人才发展仍面临诸多制度与政策障碍,有些创新措施落地见效不明显。为此,粤港澳大湾区仍需要对标国际一流,针对制约人才发展的制度和政策障碍,充分发挥“一国两制”优势,抓住双区先行先试探索机遇,面向全球、立足湾区、... 展开
Abstract:Since the implementation of the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan”,the national top-level design has been combined with the innovation and exploration of the three regions in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). The talent system and policy innovation have been continuously increased around the key links of talent development,and it’s the first step to build a competitive Hierarchical talent policy system. How... 展开