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作者:王刚 任浩聪 雷薇 出版时间:2015年04月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9300 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:金融监管政策与货币政策、财政政策构成政府管理经济的三大战略工具。离开有效的金融监管,就无法成功应对我国经济转型中产生的各类风险和挑战。当前影响我国金融监管效率的因素主要有:一是金融体系存在广泛的隐性担保,准入壁垒与不公平的竞争环境严重抑制金融业竞争,金融监管外部环境亟待改善;二是监管机构背负的多重目标间存在冲突,监管实践中难以同时兼顾;三是监管机构运作独立性不强、资源严重不足、问责机制薄弱,治理框架急需完善;四是行政控制导向的现有分业... 展开



Abstract:Financial supervision policy,monetary policy and fiscal policy constitute the three major strategic tools for the government to manage the economy. Without the effective financial supervision,it is unable to successfully manage the various risks and challenges arising from economic transition. Current factors affecting the efficiency of financial regulation are as follows:First is the existence of a wide range of implicit guarantee... 展开

Abstract:Financial supervision policy,monetary policy and fiscal policy constitute the three major strategic tools for the government to manage the economy. Without the effective financial supervision,it is unable to successfully manage the various risks and challenges arising from economic transition. Current factors affecting the efficiency of financial regulation are as follows:First is the existence of a wide range of implicit guarantee in the financial system,and access barriers as well as unfair competition seriously inhibit competition in the financial industry,therefore the external environment of financial supervision needs to be improved. Second,there is a conflict between the multiple objectives of regulators,which are difficult to balance in regulatory practices. Third,in addition to the serious shortage of resources and weak accountability mechanisms,the regulators’ operational independence is not strong,and governance framework needs improvement. Fourth,the existing administrative control oriented sub-sector regulatory structure is more and more difficult to adapt to the status of rapid development of financial mixed operation,such as the coexistence of regulatory overlaps and regulatory gaps,the lack of a formal framework for macro-prudential regulatory,the non-standard regulatory cooperation,and the imperfect information-sharing arrangements. Fifth,the quasi financial organization shave developed rapidly in recent years,establishing closer links with the formal financial system,and their impact on regional financial stability have also gradually revealed. But there exist regulatory gaps,and local regulatory standards are not unified.





