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作者:李建军 出版日期:2015年04月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10405 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年11月17日,沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制试点正式启动,标志着沪港通正式开通。沪港通的开通,不仅意味着内地和香港市场的投资者可以买卖对方的股票,更是我国金融改革持续深化落地的重要一步。沪港通在上海和香港股票市场之间建立了全新的合作机制,对上海、香港股票市场的发展和融合,推动上海、香港的国际金融中心建设以及推进人民币国际化和资本开放等方面具有重要作用。当然,作为我国金融改革的一项新举措,沪港通也蕴藏着一定的风险,两地监管部门应紧密合作... 展开



Abstract:In November 17 2014,the mechanism of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect marks began to work. The scheme connects the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets for the first time,allowing investors on both sides to trade and settle shares in the other’s market. Meanwhile it is a big step for China financial market reform. The new scheme will push cooperation between Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets,and make help in building internatio... 展开

Abstract:In November 17 2014,the mechanism of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect marks began to work. The scheme connects the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets for the first time,allowing investors on both sides to trade and settle shares in the other’s market. Meanwhile it is a big step for China financial market reform. The new scheme will push cooperation between Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets,and make help in building international finance center for both two metropolises. It’s a significant breakthrough in the opening of China’s capital market,playing great role for RMB internationalization. The new scheme must have some flaws that will make risk for the stabilization of Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets. The regulators in Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong must make good cooperation to improve the levels of supervision laws and regulations to control the potential risks.


