文章摘要:在过去三年间,信托业经营风险水平呈现上升趋势。为响应2013年底国务院关于加强影子银行监管的通知要求,化解外界对信托业风险的过度担忧,回应备受社会关注的信托产品刚性兑付问题,中国银监会在2014年大幅收紧了对信托公司及其业务经营的监管尺度。这主要表现为较为全面地明确风险承担责任、加强净资本监管和分类监管。随着审慎性监管规则与信托业保障基金的到位,信托业的“安全网”已经大致形成。这种格局有利于抑制行业风险,为未来健康发展营造稳定环境。同时,《信... 展开
Abstract:In the past three years,the risk level of trust industry has risen rapidly. In 2014,The China Banking Regulatory Commission(CBRC),sharply tighten the supervision scale. It is also as the response to requirements of the State Council on strengthening the shadow banking regulatory in the end of 2013,and some social concerns such as the industry risk,and rigid payment of trust products. CBRC introduced more fully clear responsibil... 展开