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作者:杨立华 出版日期:2012年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12739 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告.14,2011~2012 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新兴大国的群体崛起是当前世界发展的重要推动力量,改变着全球力量对比。中、俄、印、巴西和南非组成的金砖国家合作机制,以促进全球稳定、安全和繁荣为目标,通过协同努力,加强彼此经贸关系,并主张在全球治理机构中提高新兴和发展中国家代表性,以实现世界的包容和可持续发展。南非加入金砖国家机制,扩大了该机制的代表性和在非洲的影响,也为南非在国际舞台维护非洲和发展中国家的利益,提供了新的平台。金砖国家作为跨大洲的新兴力量组合,将在构建国际政治经济新秩... 展开



Abstract:The collective rising of emerging powers has become a driving force in the current world development, as well as a leverage in the change of balance of strength. The BRICS aims at promoting Global Stability, Security and Prosperity, with joint efforts enhancing trade and investment among member-states, and pushing for strengthened representation of emerging and developing countries in the institutions of global governance, so as to ma... 展开

Abstract:The collective rising of emerging powers has become a driving force in the current world development, as well as a leverage in the change of balance of strength. The BRICS aims at promoting Global Stability, Security and Prosperity, with joint efforts enhancing trade and investment among member-states, and pushing for strengthened representation of emerging and developing countries in the institutions of global governance, so as to make it possible for an inclusive and sustainable development. South Africa joins the BRICS with an African agenda and makes the group a more representative body in the developing world. As a member of the BRICS, South Africa is in a better position to appeal for Africa's, as well as developing countries', interests on global platforms. BRICS, as a cross-continental body, is to play a more significant role in the reform of world political and economic orders.


