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作者:张永蓬 出版日期:2012年07月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19678 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告.14,2011~2012 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2011年,西方大国对非洲关系呈现多领域深刻影响和政治、军事干预回归并存的新趋势。从本质上看,此次西方干预的回归是20世纪90年代上半期非洲“民主化浪潮”以来,西方价值观对非洲的又一次冲击。从发展趋势看,由于西方大国对全球地缘政治、经济利益的追逐和非洲战略地位的进一步上升,西方发达国家对非洲的全方位影响还将持续加强,对非洲事务的干预也可能持续下去,非洲维护自身安全的能力还将面临新的挑战。基于非洲利益的选择,非洲与新兴发展中大国或新兴经济体国家... 展开



Abstract:It is a new trend in the relations between Africa and the Western powers in 2011 that the latter exerted profound impacts on Africa in multiple fields, which essentially symbolizes a return of the Western intervention towards Africa by military and value since the "Democratization Wave" in Africa in 1990s. With the Western powers' pursuit of their global geo-political and economic interests and the rise of African strategic position, ... 展开

Abstract:It is a new trend in the relations between Africa and the Western powers in 2011 that the latter exerted profound impacts on Africa in multiple fields, which essentially symbolizes a return of the Western intervention towards Africa by military and value since the "Democratization Wave" in Africa in 1990s. With the Western powers' pursuit of their global geo-political and economic interests and the rise of African strategic position, the comprehensive impacts of the Western powers' on Africa will be continuously strengthened; the intervention of the Western powers towards African affairs may be sustained; challenges to African ability to meet its stability and security will still exist. Based on its own interests, Africa will further push forward its cooperation with the emerging economies.


