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作者:王晶 徐坡岭 出版时间:2020年07月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15438 字 所属丛书:俄罗斯黄皮书 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:实体经济是俄罗斯经济活动的关键与核心领域,它反映一个国家物质生产能力的水平。从已有资料和数据看,俄联邦国家统计局和有关研究机构对实体经济的界定一直处在变化之中。对于2019年俄罗斯实体经济的发展状况,我们以农业、工业、建筑业等直接物质资料生产部门为考察对象。这几个部门的变化可以直观、真实地反映出2019年俄罗斯实体经济物质生产部门产出能力的动态变化。整体来看,2019年俄罗斯实体经济整体呈现发展态势,其中农业部门各领域发展呈现较大差异,种植业和畜... 展开



Abstract:The real economy is a key area of Russian economy and it reflects the capacity of a country over material production. Judging from the available statistics,the definition of the real economy by the Russian State Statistics Bureau and relevant research institutions has been changing. With respect to Russia’s real economy in 2019,we target the direct production of materials,such as agriculture,industry,and construction. The change... 展开

Abstract:The real economy is a key area of Russian economy and it reflects the capacity of a country over material production. Judging from the available statistics,the definition of the real economy by the Russian State Statistics Bureau and relevant research institutions has been changing. With respect to Russia’s real economy in 2019,we target the direct production of materials,such as agriculture,industry,and construction. The changes in these several sectors can directly and truly demonstrate the capacity of the Russian real economy over material production in 2019. In general,Russia’s real economy showed a development trend in 2019. Among them,the industries within the agricultural sector had great differences. The development of planting and animal husbandry was stable,and the growth of fishery and forestry was hindered by the significant decline in the output of major products. Driven by the strong mining industry and manufacturing industry,the production index of the industrial sector achieved a year-on-year growth of 2.4%,among which LNG mining and processing and the production of pharmaceuticals and electronic equipment grew rapidly. The construction industry continued to be in a doldrums. Although operating indicators have improved slightly,pessimism in the industry still prevailed. Factors such as increased operating risks and inadequate investment and financing facilities have also influenced the real economy.




