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作者:田丰 出版日期:2011年01月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17764 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2011年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文首先在借鉴前人相关研究的基础上,确定了对“新兴经济体”的新界定,即20国集团(G20)中的11个发展中国家,并进而对这些国家在世界经济格局中的新角色及参与全球经济治理的新议程进行了讨论。本文认为,在经济增长方面,新兴经济体成为世界经济复苏的引擎,并将继续带动世界经济实现可持续增长;在国际贸易领域,快速增长且极具潜力的新兴经济体相互间贸易将是未来这些国家经济增长的重要动力;在国际资本流动方面,新兴经济体作为目的地和来源地的重要性不断上升。... 展开



Abstract:In this paper,we for the first time put forward the concept of the “E11”(11 emerging economies),so that the study of emerging economies could target a relatively constant scope and body of subjects. E11 is now the engine that leads the world economy recovery. The fast growing trade linkages among them will be a potential power that pushes their economic growth. E11 also plays an increasingly important role as the source and the ... 展开

Abstract:In this paper,we for the first time put forward the concept of the “E11”(11 emerging economies),so that the study of emerging economies could target a relatively constant scope and body of subjects. E11 is now the engine that leads the world economy recovery. The fast growing trade linkages among them will be a potential power that pushes their economic growth. E11 also plays an increasingly important role as the source and the host of international capital. New role and new world economy environment require new agenda,such as to improve the ability to influence the decision-making in international organizations;to realize powerful,sustainable,and balanced development of world economy through structural reforms;to reinforce macro prudential policies;to advance the reform of international currency system;and to fight against protectionism in various ways.


