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作者:黄薇 高海红 出版日期:2012年01月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14813 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2012年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在过去一年中,全球经济增长持续低迷,发达国家主权债务危机深化,金融风险加剧,全球金融市场再度处于风雨飘摇之中。特别是在2011年4月以后,投资者表现出高度的信心不足,风险厌恶水平上升。国际金融市场近期走势体现为如下几个特点:①发达国家长期国债市场分化,美国和德国等传统安全港十年期国债受到青睐,欧洲重债务国国债风险贴水飙升;②美元进入短期升值通道,瑞士法郎、日元、澳元、加元则继续保持强势;③全球股市投资者开始撤资,主要股指自2011年4月开始集体... 展开



Abstract:Global financial market has been extremely unstable in the last year due to sluggish global economic growth,deepened sovereign debt crisis in developed economies and increased financial risks,Since April 2011,global investors have repeatedly shown their lack of confidence.The level of investors' risk aversion has been shapely increased.During the time,international financial market has been featured by the following aspects. ①The lon... 展开

Abstract:Global financial market has been extremely unstable in the last year due to sluggish global economic growth,deepened sovereign debt crisis in developed economies and increased financial risks,Since April 2011,global investors have repeatedly shown their lack of confidence.The level of investors' risk aversion has been shapely increased.During the time,international financial market has been featured by the following aspects. ①The long-term government bond market has moved in divergent trends:the traditional "safety haven" market,such as 10-year US and Germany government bond,has turned to be attractive to investors,whilst the risk premium of high-spread government bond markets in Euro Area has increased significantly.②The US dollar has been in a short-term appreciation in global foreign exchange market,whilst the Swiss franc,the Japanese yen,the Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar have remained strong.③Investors have withdrawn from the stock markets worldwide.The indexes of major markets have been slumped since April 2011.Slow growth of global economy and sovereign debt crisis will continue to cast shadow on global financial market and contribute to financial instability in the year to come.



