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作者:刘晋 出版日期:2020年10月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18921 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:基于梅政府时期的电信供应链评估,约翰逊政府2020年1月做出了有限度地允许华为参与英国5G建设的决策。然而,该决策公布后即引发不少保守党议员的反对以及特朗普政府的强烈不满。在新冠肺炎疫情强化英国国内“疑华、反华”情绪以及美国政府升级对华为出口控制的背景下,约翰逊政府的华为立场短短半年内就出现了转变,并在7月的第二次决策中决定禁购并移除华为设备。仔细研究约翰逊政府两次华为决策的内容和逻辑可以发现,在可能的情况下,英国历来希望以技术安排实现自身利... 展开



Abstract:Based on the Telecom Supply Chain Review conducted during the May era,the Johnson government made its Huawei decision on 28 January 2020,which allowed Huawei to play a limited role in the UK’s 5G network. This decision,however,triggered a rebellion of dozens of Tory MPs and strong dissatisfaction of Trump administration. In the following months,the COVID-19 pandemic strengthened the mistrust sentiments against China among some g... 展开

Abstract:Based on the Telecom Supply Chain Review conducted during the May era,the Johnson government made its Huawei decision on 28 January 2020,which allowed Huawei to play a limited role in the UK’s 5G network. This decision,however,triggered a rebellion of dozens of Tory MPs and strong dissatisfaction of Trump administration. In the following months,the COVID-19 pandemic strengthened the mistrust sentiments against China among some groups in the UK. What’s more,the Trump administration upgraded its export control against Huawei on May 15. In the context of these developments,the Johnson government’s position toward Huawei changed in as short as half a year. In its second decision in July,the Johnson government decided to put a total ban on the purchase of new Huawei 5G kits and remove Huawei from UK 5G networks. Studying the two decisions’ contents and logic carefully,one could find that the UK is accustomed to maximizing its benefits by technical arrangements,avoiding the so-called taking sides. However,given the high politicization of the Huawei issue and the significant technical and security consequences caused by USA’s sanctions on Huawei,the Johnson government now finds it extremely hard to stick to this technical approach.


