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作者:郝睿 黄云卿 出版日期:2020年10月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22769 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告No.22(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年以来,非洲经济逐渐陷入“低增长、高债务”的困境,其背后则是长期以来形成的单一经济结构和严重依赖外贸外资的外向型经济模式及其固有的脆弱性。尽管非洲国家在推动经济多样化及工业化发展方面取得了一些进展,但大多数国家还没有找到长期可持续增长的最佳路径。2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的暴发对非洲经济产生了严重冲击,可能使非洲经济中潜藏的“痼疾”和“内伤”集中发作,从而加剧之前的经济困境并引发危机。疫情通过多种渠道对非洲经济产生剧烈而深远的影响... 展开



Abstract:Since 2014,the African economy has been suffering the condition of “low growth and high debt”,which reflects the vulnerabilities caused by its long-standing single-product economy and its growth pattern relying heavily on international trade and external funds. Although many African countries have made some inroads into promoting economic diversification and industrialization,most countries have not found the path leading to sust... 展开

Abstract:Since 2014,the African economy has been suffering the condition of “low growth and high debt”,which reflects the vulnerabilities caused by its long-standing single-product economy and its growth pattern relying heavily on international trade and external funds. Although many African countries have made some inroads into promoting economic diversification and industrialization,most countries have not found the path leading to sustainable growth. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has severely impacted African economy. In particular,the pandemic may expose and aggravate the existing problems inherent in the economy,exacerbate the economic difficulties,and even give rise to a crisis sweeping across the African continent. The pandemic has been impacting African economy through various channels and will further depress the continent’s growth over the next few years. The pandemic will also bring about difficulties to Sino-African economic and trade cooperation in the short term,but it hardly change anything fundamental-neither the complementarity between the two,nor the trend of deepening mutually beneficial cooperation. China,whose economy has picked up a quick restoration,may take the lead to deepen economic cooperation with Africa,especially in sectors such as energy and mineral resources,medical and health care,manufacturing,agriculture and the digital economy,in a way to materialize the high-quality development of the Sino-African economic and trade cooperation.



