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作者:陈友骏 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17329 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年是中日关系重归正轨、巩固稳定及持续走稳的重要一年。在“政治引领、经济搭台”的背景下,中日两国在反贸易保护主义和经济单边主义、推动构建区域经济合作框架、第三方市场合作等共同关心的重要议题上同频共振。日本之所以急于改变对华战略,发展对华合作关系,主要是因其迫于美国保护主义和单边主义压力,担忧其自身未来经济发展前景,同时,其也希望借推动区域层面对华经济合作,推进落实自身的多个战略部署。需要注意的是,因日本对外政策缺乏独立性且存在严重的... 展开



Abstract:2018 is an important year that Sino-Japan relations returned to the right track with consolidate stability and maintaining stability. Under the background of “political leadership and economic platform”,China and Japan share common concerns on such important issues as anti-trade protectionism and economic unilateralism,promoting the construction of regional economic cooperation framework and third-party market cooperation. Japan i... 展开

Abstract:2018 is an important year that Sino-Japan relations returned to the right track with consolidate stability and maintaining stability. Under the background of “political leadership and economic platform”,China and Japan share common concerns on such important issues as anti-trade protectionism and economic unilateralism,promoting the construction of regional economic cooperation framework and third-party market cooperation. Japan is eager to change its strategy towards China and develop cooperative relations with China,mainly because it is under the pressure of American protectionism and unilateralism and worries about its own future economic development prospects. At the same time,it also hopes to promote regional economic cooperation with China and promote the implementation of its multiple strategic deployments. It should be noted that due to the lack of independence of Japan’s foreign policy and the serious “pro-American” tendency,the U.S. factor is still the main external variable threatening the future development of Sino-Japan relations.


