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作者:李小牧 李嘉珊 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14901 字 所属丛书:文化贸易蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际文化贸易发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国当前处在数字技术急速发展的快车道上,数字技术带来的奇迹数不胜数,人们的生活已经与数字技术息息相关。数字技术不断催生新的文化业态,不断革新传统文化产业的生产,新的文化业态不断颠覆传统的文化行业和市场格局。本报告从数字文化产业界定与内涵入手,梳理数字文化产业发展的国际概况与中国政府在该领域的战略政策,通过网络文学、网络游戏、数字音乐、虚拟现实等数字文化产业代表性新兴领域分析中国数字文化产业发展现状。中国数字文化产业取得了长足发展,为对... 展开



Abstract:China is currently in the high-digitized age in which digital technology,endlessly creating new miracles,has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives.Digital technology spawns many new cultural formats and constantly innovates the production of traditional cultural industries.At the same time,the new cultural formats change the traditional cultural industry and market structure.This paper starts from the definition and connota... 展开

Abstract:China is currently in the high-digitized age in which digital technology,endlessly creating new miracles,has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives.Digital technology spawns many new cultural formats and constantly innovates the production of traditional cultural industries.At the same time,the new cultural formats change the traditional cultural industry and market structure.This paper starts from the definition and connotation of the digital cultural industry,combs the international profile of the development of the digital cultural industry and the strategic policy of the Chinese government in this field,and analyzes the current state of development of digital cultural industry through some representative filed of digital industry,such as,network literature,online games,digital music and virtual reality.China's digital cultural industry has made great progress,laying a foundation for the expansion of foreign trade.Through looking forward to trends and characteristics of foreign trade of China's digital cultural industry,this paper explores the existing problems and provides some countermeasures and suggestions for further development.



