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作者:张季风 出版日期:2018年05月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26567 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年,日本经济持续复苏,内需和外需形势均趋于好转,失业率持续下降,设备投资有所恢复。2018年,在世界经济形势可能持续好转的背景下,日本经济仍将保持温和复苏。2017年,中日经贸关系突飞猛进,出现了超出预料的改善,双边贸易和日本对华直接投资双双扭转长期负增长局面,获得较大幅度的正增长,“政温经暖”的态势开始显露。2018年是《中日和平友好条约》签订40周年,随着中日关系的进一步改善,中日经贸合作也将继续保持回升势头。中共十九大确立了习近平新时代中... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,Japan’s economy continues to recover,with both domestic and foreign demands coming to increase. The unemployment rate continues to decline and equipment investment recoveres. In 2018,there will be also a moderate recovery of Japan’s economy in the context of a possible global economic recovery. The Sino-Japanese economic relations in 2017 showes a quick improvement,with bilateral trade and Japan’s direct investment to C... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,Japan’s economy continues to recover,with both domestic and foreign demands coming to increase. The unemployment rate continues to decline and equipment investment recoveres. In 2018,there will be also a moderate recovery of Japan’s economy in the context of a possible global economic recovery. The Sino-Japanese economic relations in 2017 showes a quick improvement,with bilateral trade and Japan’s direct investment to China having ended the long-term negative growth and achieved a substantial positive growth. The year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship. With the further improvement of Sino-Japanese relations,Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation will continue to maintain a recovering momentum. At the 19th CPC National Congress,President Xi Jinping proposed for the Socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era,which also has expanded some new space for Sino-Japanese economic cooperation. Sino-Japanese economic cooperation in the new era may be faced with various challenges,but its prospect is optimistic.



