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作者:李大光 杨燕南 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13513 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年是叙利亚内战的第六年。一年来,叙利亚的内战之火仍然在燃烧,国内各派打打停停,加之国际社会各种力量和势力介入叙利亚内战,使叙利亚国内各种矛盾和争斗相互叠加,叙利亚问题异常复杂,叙利亚坠入持续动荡状态。在叙利亚内战的背后,其实是大国在进行战略博弈,叙利亚成为美俄两大国博弈的角力场。特别是俄罗斯出兵叙利亚更是一箭多雕,意在赢回俄罗斯在叙利亚的传统利益。鉴于叙利亚在中东地缘战略的重要地位,围绕叙利亚问题的地缘战略博弈仍将延续下去。在叙利... 展开



Abstract:The year 2016 marked the sixth year of the still-raging civil war in Syria. The on-going conflicts among several factions are just half of the story. The intervention of the international community has made the war more complicated,fueling conflicts and struggles within the country which is exhausted by continuous turbulence. Behind the Syrian Civil War is,in fact,the great power game. Syria has become the wrestling arena for the p... 展开

Abstract:The year 2016 marked the sixth year of the still-raging civil war in Syria. The on-going conflicts among several factions are just half of the story. The intervention of the international community has made the war more complicated,fueling conflicts and struggles within the country which is exhausted by continuous turbulence. Behind the Syrian Civil War is,in fact,the great power game. Syria has become the wrestling arena for the power struggle between the United States and Russia. Russia's involvement in the Syrian Civil War serves multiple purposes,including winning back the traditional interests of Russia in Syria. Given the valuable geopolitical position of Syria in the Middle East,the geopolitical game around Syria will continue. Russian military presence in Syria is intended to show the rise of Russia as a great power. To this end,Russia has started a new geopolitical game with the United States in the Middle East,and the solution to the Syrian issue ultimately comes down to the United States and Russia.



