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作者:施建光 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14356 字 所属图书:西北民族论丛(第十四辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:唐与吐蕃、南诏曾在西南地区进行过频繁的交涉和激烈的角逐,学界关于三者关系的研究较多,但仍有进一步探讨的空间。本文力图导入国际关系学中的均势理论,以制衡机制为工具,将三者关系放在当时国际体系范畴中来考察,从唐作为一个地区大国的角度,诠释唐在面对吐蕃和南诏威胁时所采取的战略和行动。唐在西南地区的战略是基于自身利益和安全考虑、以吐蕃和南诏为制衡对象的制衡机制。在不同的历史时期,唐依据形势的变化和所面临的威胁,适时地调整战略目标,采取军事打击... 展开



Abstract:Tang Dynasty had frequent negotiations as well as heavy fightings with Tubo吐蕃 and Nanzhao南诏 in southwest China. Although the relationship among these three regimes has been studied widely in the academia,this topic still has more aspects for further research. This article strive to study this relationship within the international system at that time,using the theory of equilibrium in international relations and the system of che... 展开

Abstract:Tang Dynasty had frequent negotiations as well as heavy fightings with Tubo吐蕃 and Nanzhao南诏 in southwest China. Although the relationship among these three regimes has been studied widely in the academia,this topic still has more aspects for further research. This article strive to study this relationship within the international system at that time,using the theory of equilibrium in international relations and the system of check and balance as research tools,and then explain Tang’s policies and action against the threats from Tubo and Nanzhao from the perspective of regional powers. It is believed that Tang’s strategies in southwest China can be regarded as a system of check and balance based on their own interests and security,and Tubo and Nanzhao should be regarded as their direct opponents. In different historical periods,Tang adjusted their strategic appropriately according to the changes of the situation and the threats they faced with,in order to maximize their authority in southwest China,with the strategy of balance such as military striking or political allying.


