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作者:张季风 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:34 页 报告大小: 报告字数:29078 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年,日本经济持续复苏,加上世界经济下行压力减弱,日本的内需和外需形势均趋于好转。失业率持续下降,就业状况良好,但企业收益增速下降,设备投资与私人消费仍处于低迷状态。由于提高消费税率的时间被再次推迟,国内经济将趋于稳定,估计2017年日本经济将持续温和复苏,经济增长率可能与2016年持平。由于中国经济趋稳、人工费上涨缓慢以及中日政治关系得到缓慢改善等原因,2016年的中日经济关系出现了回暖的兆头,双边贸易和日本对华直接投资虽然仍为负增长,但降幅... 展开



Abstract:In the year 2016,As the world economy continues to recover,which promotes Japan’s domestic and external demands,Japanese economy also continues to recover with the decline of unemployment rate. However,the enterprise revenue grows at a slower pace and the equipment investment and private consumption are in recession. Due to the delay of consumption-tax rise,Japan may gain a stable growth rate in 2016,with the prospect of a mild... 展开

Abstract:In the year 2016,As the world economy continues to recover,which promotes Japan’s domestic and external demands,Japanese economy also continues to recover with the decline of unemployment rate. However,the enterprise revenue grows at a slower pace and the equipment investment and private consumption are in recession. Due to the delay of consumption-tax rise,Japan may gain a stable growth rate in 2016,with the prospect of a mild economic recovery. In the context of China’s economic recovery,the slow rise of labor cost grows and the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations,there is also a trend of recovery for Sino-Japanese economic relations,with a narrow decline of bilateral trade volume and Japan’s FDI to China,a significant growth of China’s FDI to Japan,and the increase of China’s holding of Japanese bonds up to 11 trillion Yen,reflecting a sign of “cold Politics and warm economy” between China and Japan. The year 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations. The improvement of bilateral political relations will contribute to the recovery of economic and trade cooperation.


