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作者:李澄暲 出版日期:2016年03月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14557 字 所属图书:区域协同与平台创新 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:澳门400多年的中西文化交流历史造就了当今其在国际上独特的地位,也衍生了与众不同的地方价值与生活文化,影响着扎根在这里的传统中小微企业的经营理念和业态。面对全球化的冲击,以及文化产业兴起的趋势,地方传统企业势必要走上品牌发展之路,而它们应当利用地方资源、文化价值与美感的基因,将其转换为吸引消费者的各种体验价值,塑造崭新的品牌形象,促进澳门经济多元化的发展。本文从文化产业的地方文化角度出发,探讨澳门传统行业的产业特色、类别与发展条件,分析... 展开



Abstract:Its more than 400 years of history in international exchange has given Macao a unique and valuable position,and nurtured special local value and living culture. These influence the operating concept and system of value of the traditional SMEs here. Facing globalization and the rise of the cultural industry,local traditional enterprises must pay more attention to brand development. This study focuses on how to combine local resources... 展开

Abstract:Its more than 400 years of history in international exchange has given Macao a unique and valuable position,and nurtured special local value and living culture. These influence the operating concept and system of value of the traditional SMEs here. Facing globalization and the rise of the cultural industry,local traditional enterprises must pay more attention to brand development. This study focuses on how to combine local resources,cultural values and aesthetic taste,and then transforming them into various attractive experience,and opening up a new brand image to promote the diversity of Macao’s economy.This study takes the perspective of “local culture of the cultural industry”,and tries to find out the local cultural and branding value against the historical background and development of Macao’s traditional businesses. Based on the interaction between the culture industry,local culture and lifestyle value behind brands,this study provides suggestions on innovating the brand image of the traditional businesses. The exploration of local culture and usage of valuable experience value are crucial for traditional businesses’ brand image development,and are important for building up Macao’s culture industry.


